Know why you are existing.

Know why you are existing  before trying to help others, because one can really help others only if he knows the answer of who am I? From within.
Line ‘ .,,You don’t know why you are existing in the first place…’ is most powerful according to me.

Its answer, if searched inside, may lead one to ‘real path’ that one never loose.

The answer is already there all around you, just the capacity to ‘see’ it is regained. In childhood everyone has lived it.

It is felt first time, without body touching, in other or other things and get a glimpse of it. Lao Tzu got it while a leaf was dropping and carried away by wind without its permission/will! Such is in nature with everyone including all including human being but realisation is needed.

A lady saint got it while earthen pot filled with water felled from her head and neither water nor pot left for any use, that she was dreaming while carrying, and immediately came out of dream world around.

Then in next step one can get a glimpse of it without anyone’s help!

This is ‘the path’ Osho is talking about, that one never loose and worth travelling.

Lao Tzu called it ‘The way’ or The pathless path.

While we travel on the road we see the road as the way but actually we are 3D objects and moving, in volume, in empty space above it! That ‘invisible way’ but real ‘way/path’ like phenomena happens automatically in any moment or may not happen at all.

Guru Nanak described that emptiness as ‘door’. Usually A room is composed of four walls, a roof, a window and a door. We are unable to pass through walls, while X-Ray can pass through those walls easily. We can pass through air, while for a super sonic plane – air acts as a barrier. So solid may not be solid and emptiness can be a barrier.

So emptiness may exist!

And reverse can also be true that we feel only that we exist but actually it may not be the case orvtrue. We may be pure emptiness! Or both together at a time ie body and soul. Soul being emptiness all around body.

According to Guru Nanak guru or master can only lead you to that ‘emptiness’ of door being visible or felt by you even for a fraction of second. So Guru Dwara of Nanak.

In no-mind state and simultaneously in witnessing awareness it can be seen.

For Gen Z or millenial generation ‘the path’ can be best visualised as ‘Data’. It is there in action or every internet action taking place in it but it is invisible.

To be able to ‘see’/‘feel’ the ‘Data’ even for a fraction of second is what is called ‘Satori’.

Awareness meditation (Osho guiding about meditation on YouTube) is the way worked for me, may be you too find it suitable otherwise Dynamic meditation is for most of the people. You may wish to know that the state of meditation is our natural state and “How meditation affects us?”.

There are 110 other meditation techniques discovered by Indian Mystic Gorakhnath about 500years before and further modified by Osho that one can experiment and the suitable one could be practiced in routine life.

My experiences may be of your help in taking only one step in deciding to add value to life. Because everyone has to move forward alone, this is the nature of this journey.
In my life mindfulness or awareness meditation (My experiences shared through a post) helped miraculously. Along with meditation living a simple, authentic and totality in life is very helpful. It is helful even when we are serving people around us with great love and care without discrimination.

Hi ….. I write my comments from my personal experiences of my inner journey and how I add value to life by living consciously. You too come to know why you are existing by applying these suggestions in your life. This post may include teachings of Mystics around the world which from my personal experience I found worth following even today. For more have a look at my linktree website for getting regular updates through social media lor subscribe to YouTube channel or listen to the podcasts etc.

For references of content on Osho, Copyright © OSHO International Foundation, An MP3 audio file of many discourses can be downloaded from Osho(dot)com or you can listen or watch most of his discourses @ OSHO International channel of YouTube where you can get subtitles in language of your choice or you can read the entire book online at the Osho Library. Many of Osho’s books are available online at Amazon.

My suggestions:-

Osho International Online (OIO) provides facility to learn these Osho discovered Dynamic Meditations for new generation from your home, through Osho Meditation Day @€20.00 per person. You can learn Dynamic meditations from disciples of Osho.  OIO rotate times through three timezones NY,Berlin and Mumbai.